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DMC 2013 Invitation Letter

2012/12/31 10:19
China International Exhibition on Die & Mould, Material Processing and Forming Industry (Die & Mould China 2013)jointly organized by China Die & Mould Industry Association and Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd., will be held next June at Shanghai New International Expo Center. The exhibition which includes "Auto Die & Mould and Equipment Exhibition"serves as a platform for information exchanging, equipment purchasing, and market exploring. Meanwhile, the“Forum on Die and Mould Development and Cooperation of the ‘BRICS’” is under preparation. It is going to be a high-level industrial event on which Brazil, India, South Africa, Russia and China will jointly discuss the future vision of die & mould, forming technology and modern manufacturing industry.

The China’s central government always pays great attention to development of the die & mould industry, for the past 20 years which has been always listed in the “Current Catalogue of Key Industries, Products and Technologies, the Development of Which is Encouraged by the State” and “The Catalogue of Encouraged Foreign Investment Industries”. In the “The 12th Five-year Plan “, the die & mould industry is a very important section for manufacturing industry. The “12th Five-Year Plan” of die
& mould industry is published by the Ministry of Industry and IT and is the part of machinery industry series plan. The Ministry of Industry and IT defines the die & mould as key development fundamental product and the foundation of manufacturing industry upgrade. And the Ministry of Commerce puts die & mould in special plan.

Although of the world’s financial crisis, China’s mould-making industry has also maintained its competitiveness. The technology level of China’s die & mould industry generally moved a large step forward, with some products approached the internationally advanced level and played a important role in the world market. In 2012, China’s die & mould product value amounted to RMB 200 billion (about USD 31 billion), and the sales revenue had a rise of 11% compared to 2011. For the year of 2012, the value of exports amounts to USD 3.73 billion with a growth of 25% and the value of imports amounts to USD 2.5 billion with a growth of 11%. The overall economic performance remains steady growth. As per die & mould category, the biggest import-export volume comes from plastic and rubber mould, accounting for 54.33% and 66.72% of imports and exports respectively. The second biggest is press die mould, accounting for 40.33% and 25.12% of imports and exports respectively.

With the needs of domestic market and price advantage in the world market, we estimate that Chinese die and mould industry will continue its rapid growth in the future. It demands higher requirement to the integration of die & mould and forming equipment that die & mould companies are producing forming equipment and components, which all will stimulate the needs for machine tools, forming equipment, computer software, tools and advanced supplements.

In 2012, China’s production and its sales of automobiles surpassed nearly 20 million units, and the total sales volume of auto parts surpassed RMB 2000 billion. The demands of China’s automobile industry is a strong incentive of the die & mould industry. Die and Mould China 2013sets up "Auto Die & Mould and Equipment Exhibition" focusing on the information exchanging between the industries. The “Forum on Manufacturing Technology of Automobile Lightweight” is under preparation and the organizers intend to invite experts from USA, Canada, Germany and etc. to deliver speeches. The event and its concurrent forums reflex the future vision of the coordination of die & mould, test equipments and fixtures with the assembly line and solutions such as the integration of mould and press, the integration of mould and plastic, the integration of mould and fixture in automobile production, as well as like the could punching and thermoforming technology and die & mould equipment of super high strength steel, the forming technology of compound material and the automobile lightweight.

China Die & Mould Industry Association (CDMIA) is the sole nationwide mould industrial organization organized by State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and registered in Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, presenting over 1200 group members.

We would like to express our gratitude to great supports of the exhibitors and our warm welcome to the enterprises and associations from global die & mould, machine tool, forming equipment, tooling, software and material industries to participate in and visit China International Exhibition on Die & Mould, Material Processing and Forming Industry and "Auto Die & Mould and Equipment Exhibition" in Shanghai during June 18 to June 21, 2013.

Look forward to meeting you at Die & Mould China 2013. (Websites:

Yours truly,
 Cao Chunhua                                                           Wu Binshu
Chairman                                                                    Executive Chairman & Secretary General
China Die & Mould Industry Association              China Die & Mould Industry Association
Tel: 0086-10-88356462     Fax: 0086-10-88356461