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Situation and Future of China's Die & Mold Standardization Work

2013/11/29 11:33
National (China) Die & Mould Standardization Technical Committee (SAC / TC 33) was established in 1983 is a subsidiary under the National (China) Standardization Management Committee. With professional field in die & mould industry of high theoretical level and rich practical experience, it is composed of experts from the universities, research institutes and enterprises to build its working bodies. Its main tasks are: the mold system of national and industry standards for research and planning of the project on the standardization project, evaluation and recommendations on the revision of standards for organization and coordination of the work, and the preparation of the technical content of the standard format for review and approval, as well as standard publicizing and consulting services. It is also responsible for the international organization for standardization ISO/TC29/SC8 (tooling/die and mold) of domestic technology connecting work. Currently, the number of the national mold standards is 99, the industry standards 209, involving die, plastic mold, die casting mold, forging mold, plastic mold, plastic extrusion dies, metal drawing mold, rubber mold and glass molds, establishing a national industry standards for the basic system.

In order to adapt to the rapid development in recent years, and to accelerate the standardization process of the die & mold, the committee is focusing on promoting the automotive, electronics, home appliances and other industries die & mold and on improving China's die & mold standardization. A number of new projects have been included in the revision of the recent planning, including "die & mould terms", "forming mold and injection mold order technical specifications", "casting mold acceptance of universal norms", "forging dies technical conditions", "automotive plastic fuel tank blowing mold technology", "hot press mold of automotive interior parts technology conditions "and other industry standards.

Standardization work is based on three-level works consist of national standards, industry standards and corporate standards. The key content standardization work is to establish a basis for standardization in the enterprise database construction, standard processes and other aspects of implementation.

The die & mold standard projects of next three years

According to the requirements of the die & mold standardization system framework, and taking the urgency and rationality of the new project standard into consideration, the die & mold standardization system is developing under the framework of the common die & mold standard projects and industrial mold standard items, in order to further improve the content of the frame die & mold standardization system, projects in industry standard die & mold, auto die & mold and the large plastic molds for the industry are the first priorities. Revision of standards work is not only closely related to the vital interests of enterprises, but also regulates the market.

National Standardization Technical Committee works on ISO/TC29/SC8, according to the requirements of ISO, only in 2010 National Standardization Technical Committee Secretariat has received and processed files of 30.

Die & Mold international standards and foreign advanced standards mainly refer to the ISO standards. Advanced foreign standards are German DIN, British BS and JIS in Japan, as well as die & mold standards like the United States DME and GM, Germany HASCO and Japan FUTABA.

ISO and national press mold standard classification mainly involve dies, plastic mold, die casting, forging dies (including upsetting die), drawing mold, casting mold, thread rolling dies and so on. Among them, die, plastic mold and die casting mold accounts for over 90% of the total, the corresponding die & mold standardization proportion is also high. The lowest proportion is Japanese JIS 82.9%, German DIN 83.8%, British BS 89.4%, China GB 97 %, while the ISO 100%, which are all common die & mold standards.

Among the current ISO standard, GB, DIN, BS, JIS national standards, such as mold standard parts have largest proportion. DIN accounts for 72.3%, the other more than 90%. But the German DIN standard is of the most authorities.

U.S. DME, German HASCO and Japan FUTABA have global influence. Especially Japan FUTABA die & mold standard is very influential in China and Asia. The United States GM car mold design standard is a typical and important mold industry standard for the global automotive industry.

Based on large collection of domestic and foreign standards and technical information, features and trends of precision mold standard development home and abroad, comparative analysis of the domestic and international standard die & mold standard system and the different characteristics of die & mold, the National Science and Technology Support Program project "near net shape and mold manufacturing standards system and basic database research" and its sub-topic - "research on precision die & mold standard system" focus on the direction of precision mold standard system construction program, and suggest the future revision of the standard projects.

China is becoming more powerful in die & mould industry, to establish standardization system has become an urgent task. In 2010 National Standardization Management Committee carried out the equipment manufacturing industry standard system in key industrial fields, the National Die and Mould Standardization Technical Committee promptly declared "research on mold standard system" project, which was included in the national standards committee standard system equipment manufacturing research projects. The 8 principal categories are terms, technical conditions, mold bases, mold parts, structure forms, experimental methods, technology acceptance conditions, security and other conditions, etc. And it completes with dies, plastic molds, forging dies, die casting mold as the focus, casting molds, rubber molds, glass molds, drawing molds and other categories of rapid tooling mold standard architecture system infrastructure. Meanwhile, in the framework of the system, industry standard is also proposed such as automotive panel die, electronic lead frame molds, packaging mold and so on.
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